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Difference Between Cold Brew And Iced Coffee: Is It The Same?

Everyone loves a nice cold coffee on a hot summer day. But, Which is the Best: Iced Coffee or Cold Brew?

Even though it seems that both drinks are just coffee with Ice. That is not at all the case. Let’s learn what makes one beverage so different from the other

Iced Coffee vs Cold Brew

What Is Cold Brew?

Just as the name suggests Cold Brew is Coffee brewed with Cold water. In simple words, the process of making Cold Brew involves steeping coffee grounds in cold or room temperature water for 12 to 14 hours.

It started gaining popularity in recent years. One of the most common reasons people prefer it over regularly brewed coffee is because it is less acidic and has a sweeter and smoother flavor.

Extremely simple to make at home, and it can be had in a number of ways. You can have it just with ice, or add milk or soda to it.

[Also Read: Best Coffee Grinder For Cold Brew]

What Is Iced Coffee?

Iced Coffee is regularly brewed coffee served with Ice. Unlike Cold brew, Iced coffee is brewed hot then cooled down to be served with Ice and Milk. 

Iced Coffee is one of the simplest coffee to make at home. Simply brew coffee with hot water, let it cool, or serve it with ice immediately. 

It also has a stronger and bitter flavor than Cold brew. You can have it with ice, milk, cream, or add any other syrups like caramel, hazelnut for that extra hint of flavor and sweetness.

Difference: Cold Brew Vs Iced Coffee

Cold Brew and Iced Coffee both these drinks are made with two ingredients: Coffee and Water. But, What makes one drink so different from the other is its method of brewing, taste, and flavor. Let’s take a look at these differences.

Cold Brew Vs Iced Coffee Infographic

Brewing – How are they Made?

One of the main differences between both these beverages is the method through which it is prepared. Cold Brew is made by steeping coarse coffee grounds at room temperature or cold water for around 12 to 14 hours.

While Iced Coffee is made by adding Ice cubes to regularly brewed coffee. So you can either wait for your coffee to cool down and then add ice or add ice directly to the hot brew.

Iced Coffee can be made using several brewing techniques like a french press, Chemex, etc but Cold Brew can only be made by steeping Coffee grounds for a longer period.


Cold Brew takes much longer to prepare in comparison to Iced Coffee. Making a Cold Brew can take anywhere between 12 to 14 hours. 

Iced Coffee can be prepared in a few minutes and does not take very long.

Flavor & Taste

Cold Brew has a less acidic flavor when compared to regularly brewed coffee. This happens not because of the temperature of the drink itself but because it is steeped in cold water for a very long period.

It is known for its sweet and smooth taste. Unlike Iced Coffee, the flavor of Cold brew would not change drastically in a few hours. It has the same indulgent taste even after a week in the refrigerator.

You should not however make the mistake of keeping the Cold brew at room temperature for a very long period, it could go stale. Find out how long does cold brew lasts unrefrigerated here!

Iced Coffee, on the other hand, is your regular cup of joe on ice. It is usually brewed at a double strength so when you pour it over ice it does not water down your cuppa.

Iced Coffee tastes fresh and refreshing. It is however more acidic than Cold brew because it is brewed at a really high temperature, so the hot water does extract some intense and strong flavors of coffee.


Since Iced Coffee can be made using several brewing techniques, the Caffeine content can vary a lot. Cold Brew on the other hand will always have higher caffeine content since it requires coffee grounds to make.

Here’s a simple table of the Caffeine content of each drink using different methods:

Brewing TechniqueAmount of Caffeine for 1 cup
Pour-over drip185mg
French Press223 mg
Cold Brew240 – 280mg

How To Make Cold Brew?

Cold Brew

Cold Brew is by far one of the easiest ways of making coffee that we have come across. Sure, it takes longer than regular coffee. But the refreshing taste after the coffee has brewed properly is worth the wait.

What You’ll Need

  • 1½ cup of coarsely ground coffee
  • 3 cups water
  • Mesh sieve
  • Cheesecloth or Napkin

The Process

1. Add the coffee grounds to a mason jar or any other container. Add water and give it a good stir.

2. Cover and let it sit at room temperature for 12 to 14 hours. If you want to keep the Cold Brew in the Refrigerator, it may take more time, around 16 hours or so.

3. When you are ready to strain your brew, take a large bowl and a cheesecloth or a thin cloth. Place the mesh sieve over the bowl and spread the cheesecloth on it.

4. Pour the brew on the cheesecloth. Make sure the coffee grounds are separated from the water completely.

5. Refrigerate immediately after. When serving, fill a glass with ice, add the Cold brew and enjoy!

How To Make Iced Coffee!

Iced Coffee

If you like your coffee chilled and refreshing but find brewing coffee for 14 hours a tedious process then Iced Coffee is the way to go! It is quick and refreshing and tastes delicious.

What You’ll Need

  • 1 cup of Ice
  • 1 cup of Brewed Coffee
  • ¼ cup of Milk (optional)

The Process

1. Brew your freshly ground coffee in whichever method you prefer. You can use a French press or a pour-over technique.

2. Pour ice in a tall glass and add the freshly brewed coffee on top of the Ice.

3. Alternatively, you can also let the coffee cool down and then pour it on top of the ice.

4. To add some flavor and sweetness you can add milk, flavoring syrup-like caramel, vanilla, etc

Final Thoughts

Once you understand the difference between Iced Coffee, you will truly be able to appreciate the strong intense flavor of an Iced Coffee and the sweet and smooth taste of a Cold Brew.

Both Beverages, have their own exceptional qualities and drinking experience, to pick one as our favorite would not do them justice. 

Try out Iced Coffee when you need a quick coffee beverage on a hot day. And indulge in the process of making and sipping Cold Brew when you crave a stronger flavor of coffee but with a hint of chocolate notes.

Interesting Reads

Does Heating Cold Brew Make It Acidic? Surprising Answer!
Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew Recipe at Home