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Ultimate Review- HIC Milk Creamer Frother And How To Use Guide

Want frothy coffee without splurging on fancy gadgets? Meet – Manual milk frother! It’s like a French press but for frothing. Just plunge the whisk into the milk jug—no batteries or electricity needed. Affordable, easy to use, and a breeze to clean. Voila, enjoy your morning coffee, without any fuss!

HIC Milk Creamer Frother

The HIC Milk Creamer Frother is one of the top picks among a lot of coffee enthusiasts. It is a stainless steel frother which ensures durability. The product includes a frothing pitcher and a lid.

The lid comes with a built-in double mesh aerator which helps in frothing the milk efficiently.

One of the great features about this milk frother is that it is dishwasher safe thus making it easy to clean.

It can create frothy milk for beverages like cappuccino, latte, macchiato within 60 seconds. The HIC frother is perfect for frothing whole milk, skim milk, and other non-dairy milk such as almond or oat milk.

You can also heat milk on the stovetop in the pitcher. The only downside to a stainless steel frother is that you have to open the lid to check on your progress every few seconds.

Key Specifications

  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Weight: 9.4 ounces
  • Size: 5.1 x 3.5 x 6.2


There are several reasons why HIC Milk Creamer and Frother is our top choice in the Manual Milk frothers category. They are made of good quality stainless steel which ensures durability.

Other than that, for an equipment that does not require any electricity or battery power to run on it creates a fairly good foam. Let’s take a look at some of the top features of the frother.

Design: The HIC Milk Frother is designed in a way that is extremely simple and easy to use. It consists of a stainless steel pitcher with a lid. The lid comes with a built-in plunger and a double mesh aerator. It also has a handle for easy grip. It can also be used to pour latte art. 

Appearance-wise it looks stylish and elegant and does not take up a lot of space on your kitchen counter.

Manual Use: Since the frother requires manual effort, the user has control over the froth density. If more airy foam is required you can pump the plunger for longer. Not just that it also saves on electricity or battery cost.

Portable: It does not require any electricity and is small and compact in size, which makes it easier to carry around on trips or while camping. 

Dishwasher safe: Cleaning is a breeze with the HIC Milk Creamer since it is dishwasher safe and does not have a lot of elements, just a simple pitcher and lid. Occasionally, you could also unscrew the top of the plunger and separate the parts to clean it properly.

How To Use The HIC Milk Creamer Frother?

The process of foaming milk in a manual frother is really simple. Let’s go through a step-by-step guide on how to froth milk using the HIC Milk Creamer Frother.

Foamy cappuccino

Step 1: Preparation

Prepare the hot or cold milk that you want to froth as per your preference. If you want to use hot milk, heat it up to 140℉. Now, fill the pitcher with the milk. For the quantity of the milk to be poured fill it up to one-third of the vessel.

Now attach the lid of the frother. Make sure that it is placed correctly so that the milk doesn’t spill while frothing.

Step 2: Start Frothing

Once everything is set and in place. Start pumping the plunger up and down. Building up to your speed. The faster you pump the more aerated the milk will become and hence resulting in more froth. However, remember to temper your strength as you are the force behind manual milk frothers, and putting too much pressure may result in damaging the frother.

Step 3: Checking & Frothing 

After pumping for around 15 to 20 seconds you will start seeing that the milk is frothing and also may feel a change in the pressure. With the glass frothers, you can keep checking your progress, but with the stainless steel ones, you will have to occasionally remove the lid to see how much frothing is done. At this point, the plunger requires more effort as it begins frothing the milk. 

Step 4: Checking Progress

After around 30 seconds stop and check your progress. If it still requires a few more seconds of plunging to get the perfect froth, you may froth for longer.

Once you’re satisfied with the consistency of the foam you can transfer it to another vessel or pour it on top of your coffee.

How To Clean The HIC Milk Creamer Frother?

Cleaning the HIC Milk frother is really simple as it is dishwasher safe. However when you’re not using the dishwasher to clean it using a soapy solution and run it through the water. This process involves two simple steps:

Step 1: Remove the plunger and the mesh from the jug and wash them with a soapy solution. After that clean, it under running tap water, to remove all the soap and milk residue if any.

Step 2: Clean the jug with a soft sponge and soap to clean milk deposits. If there’s any burnt milk in the container, fill the jug with water and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. After that use lemon or citric acid to clean the jug thoroughly.

Things we liked!

  • Stainless steel ensures durability
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Easy to use

Things we didn’t like

  • Pumping takes a lot of effort
  • Not a see-through pitcher, the user needs to open the lid to see the progress

Final thoughts

We highly recommend investing in the HIC Milk Frother. It comes at a reasonable price and serves as an excellent solution whenever you are craving a quick foamy coffee. The good quality stainless steel makes it durable. It is really easy to use and also dishwasher safe.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What else can I use my Milk Frother for?

You can use your Milk frother to prepare any beverage that requires foamy milk. Such as Cappuccino, latte, macchiato, iced coffee, hot chocolate, cold chocolate, cold coffee. It can be used to create both hot and cold foam.

Is it worth buying a Milk frother?

We feel it is essential if you want to make cafe-style coffee at home. Most famous coffee beverages required a part of foam milk. Using frother-to froth milk adds a really good texture to the milk.

Which milk is the best for frothing?

Frothing milk depends on the protein content of milk. Higher the protein content the better the foam. Whole milk creates a thicker and creamier foam while skim milk creates lighter foam because large foam bubbles are created.

Do manual milk frothers warm the milk?

No, manual or handheld frothers do not warm milk while frothing. You can either use warm milk or heat the milk after frothing it. Some of the milk frothers are microwave safe so it is easier to heat the milk in the frothing jug itself.