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How Long Does Cold Brew Last Unrefrigerated? Read This First

I brewed my freshly ground coffee last night and set it on the countertop to steep, 18 hours later I was outside for work and I remembered. I FORGOT to keep the Cold brew in the refrigerator. 

Cold Brew coffee may be one of the simplest to make. But, this is one mistake we have all made somewhere down the line. If you still haven’t made this mistake and are looking to find out how long can the coffee last unrefrigerated? You are at the right place!

So the question is: How long does Cold Brew last unrefrigerated? 

Generally, Cold Brew lasts unrefrigerated for 16 to 18 hours. However, the extraction process slows down towards the end. Therefore, unless you have left the brew at room temperature for 20 to 24 hours it will be fine to drink.

After 20 to 24 hours, the coffee grounds release a bitter flavor and the coffee will develop a woody taste. If you prefer a stronger coffee, dilute the coffee with a little less water rather than steeping it for longer.

You have probably heard that the longer you brew, the more coffee oils it will extract from the grounds. So it is advisable to filter the coffee grounds as soon as the steeping time is over so you do not end up with an extremely bitter cup of coffee.

Does Cold Brew Go Bad?

Just like any other food and beverage, Cold brew can also go bad. Definitely, it will not get spoiled to the extent of milk or juice. However, it can become overly acidic, lose its aroma and taste, develop a rancid smell and even get molds.

At this point, it is probably best to feed the brew to your plants. So similar to any other food item, always be in the habit of consuming fresh coffee. Sure, it can be brewed and stored in the refrigerator. But after a point, it is going to lose its taste and flavor.

Why Does Coffee Go Bad?

Infographic of why does coffee go bad

The reason behind coffee getting spoiled could be many factors such as oxygen, moisture, and heat. Here are the main factors your coffee is losing its freshness:

  • Air: Once the coffee is exposed to air the smell of coffee begins to degrade due to the process of oxidation.
  • Moisture: Since water contains oxygen, it causes oxidation. When the coffee comes into contact with water, they begin releasing its flavor oils and acid into the water.
  • Heat: Coffee when exposed to heat speeds up the process of oxidation extraction of oils and flavor, which can lead to coffee getting stale quicker.
  • Light: While storing coffee in glass jars looks very fancy, it is not the best option as sunlight and heat increase the process of oxidation which leads to the degradation of coffee flavor. 

How Long Is Cold Brew Good For?

Cold Brew

You need to refrigerate the Brew immediately after making it. If you use cold water to brew the coffee, it will take longer to brew than when using hot water. 

One of the exceptional benefits of Cold brew is that it lasts longer than hot coffee. This happens because hot coffee continues to oxidize even after coming down to room temperature. But, with cold brew, the oxidizing process is really slow as the coffee takes a long time to brew.

So what is the exact time cold brew can stay fresh for?

Unrefrigerated– If you’re steeping the coffee on the countertop, it will stay fresh anywhere between 14 to 18 hours. For best practices, refrigerate the brew immediately after it’s done steeping.

Refrigerated– Once the brewing is complete and you have stored the coffee in the fridge. It can last anywhere between 8 to 14 days. To ensure safety, store it in an airtight container. After 2 weeks, the coffee could go rancid and lose its aroma and intensity. 

Does heating cold brew make it acidic? Find out here!

How Do You Know If Cold Brew Has Gone Bad?

The given timeline on how long a cold brew can stay fresh is an estimate, now that you know that there are some definite signs you should look for, that indicates if the coffee is still fresh to drink or not!

First, let’s get this out of the way because a lot of people worry that cold brews can make them sick. Cold-brew will rarely go bad enough that it will make you sick. Unless you notice molds on it which is the first sign you should look for, you’re good to taste it.

If you taste it and find that the caffeine kick has gone, then for sure. It’s gone bad and has lost its flavor. Here are some of the things you should look for, to find out if the brew has gone bad.

  • Loss of aroma
  • No flavor or intensity
  • The caffeine kick has gone
  • Extremely acidic taste
  • Mold or rancid smell

How To Store Cold Brew? – The Right Way

Apart from refrigerating the coffee as soon as it has brewed, it is really important to store it properly to extend its shelf life. Once the concentrate is ready, store it in an airtight container. This is done for two reasons. One so the aroma and the flavor of the coffee aren’t affected by other things in the fridge. 

Coffee has a really strong flavor and if stored exposed, it will not only lose its flavor and intensity but can also absorb a really strong smell like that of onion and meat.

Second, the oxidation process happens much faster when exposed to air. Which will lead to the coffee getting spoiled quickly.

[Also Read: Can Cold Brew Coffee Grounds Be Reused]

What Can You Make With Cold Brew Concentrate?

There are two many ways you can make coffee. You can try out different recipes and make them fun. Here are the most common ones you can try:

What can you make using cold brew concentrate infographic

Iced Coffee – Dilute your concentrate with cold water and ice

Iced Cold Brew Latte– Dilute your concentrate with milk and ice.

Hot Cold Brew Coffee – Dilute your concentrate with hot water

Cold Brew Soda – Dilute your concentrate with flavored syrup, ice, and soda water

6 Best Ways To Drink Cold Brew Coffee – Ultimate Guide

How Long Does Coffee With Milk Last In The Fridge?

Remember that time when you made a fresh cup of coffee thinking you would sit on your couch and enjoy it? But you had an urgent chore or a work call and completely forgot the coffee? 

We have all been there. In such times you either throw your coffee away or keep it in the fridge. So if you’re wondering how long does coffee with milk last in the fridge?

Coffee with milk can last and taste good for up to 2 days in the fridge. It will be safe to drink the coffee if you reheat it, bring it back to temperature, and ensure all the bacteria in the milk have been killed. Read the complete guide on how long does coffee with milk lasts in the fridge here!

How Long Should You Steep Cold Brew Coffee?

While there are many other factors and considerations that come into play when deciding how long to steep your coffee, the general rule of thumb is you should be steeping your Cold brew anywhere between 12 to 16 hours. 

Read the complete article to find out the factors, considerations, and some other tips to prepare the best Cold Brew at home!

Final Thoughts

Cold Brew has gained popularity in recent years. It is popular because it is less acidic and has a sweeter and smoother flavor than other coffee drinks. It is one trend that is here to stay so knowing how to make and store cold brew perfectly is one skill you should know if you love coffee as we do.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long to steep cold brew at room temperature?

Around 14 to 16 hours is the right amount of time. After the brew is prepared, refrigerate it immediately.

Do I have to steep cold brew in the fridge?

No, you can steep the coffee grounds at room temperature and put the concentrate in the fridge once it’s done. However, if you choose to steep it in the fridge it would take longer to brew than it would at room temperature.

Can I store Cold brew with milk in the fridge?

Adding milk to cold brew reduces its shelf life. It is best to store the brew in concentrated form and then dilute it with water or milk when you are ready to drink it. To know more about how long coffee with milk lasts in the fridge read our guide here!