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Does Heating Cold Brew Make It Acidic? Surprising Answer!

One thing that sets cold brew apart from any other hot brew is its smooth mouthfeel and sweet taste. Cold Brew is said to have less acid than hot brew, which is why many people who are prone to acid reflux prefer cold brew over hot ones.

However, the question of heating cold brew is a common one. I mean why not, it is coffee after all. And if hot brew can be had as an iced coffee why can’t cold brew be heated? Well, the question here isn’t if the heating of cold brew is correct, the question is if heating cold brew will make it acidic.

In this article, let’s figure out whether heating cold brew will turn it acidic or not. After all, the less acidic feature is what made cold brew so alluring to coffee enthusiasts. Also, find out more about acid in coffee, and how you can enjoy a low-acid coffee.

Does Heating Cold Brew Make It Acidic? 

No, heating cold brew will not make it more acidic. Heating cold brew can alter its sweet and mellow taste and make it taste more bitter and strong, but it will not change its acidic content. 

Acid compounds are released from coffee grounds when they come in contact with hot water since cold brew is already brewed and strained with cold water; simply heating it will not change its composition.

Heating Cold Brew Will Not Make Your Coffee Acidic – Here’s Why?

Hot Brew

Let’s get this straight cold brew coffee is not free of acidic components. Studies show that cold brew contains 67% less acid than hot brew, but they still contain acidic content. Moreover, the acid present in coffee is beyond whether it is brewed hot or cold. It depends on the origin of coffee production, the type of roasts, grind size and so much more.

Cold brewing is one of the best methods when it comes to low-acid coffee. Brewing coffee with cold water is a much longer process than with hot water, however, a good side to this style of brewing is the slow extraction of oils. Cold water ensures that the natural acids present in the coffee grounds do not get released easily. 

As a result, leaving you with a low-acid coffee. Once you have brewed and separated the concentrate from the grounds the flavor is locked in. Therefore, even when you heat the cold brew it changes its taste and flavor for sure, but it will not alter the already brewed coffee. 

[Also Read: What Is Cold Brew? How To Make It At Home?]

Should You Heat Cold Brew Coffee? 

Yes, you can heat cold brew. If you need a quick hot coffee and you have a cold brew sitting in the refrigerator, you can heat it. Albeit not the best way to enjoy a hot brew, and is also not a method coffee purists or baristas would agree upon, but, in times of need, it is an easy solution.

What Happens If You Heat Up Cold Brew Coffee?

Hot Brew in a cup

While heating cold brew is not a very promising way to enjoy a hot brew, and we don’t recommend you do it; unless you’re really tempted to or in dire need of a hot cup of joe. But, if you still want to heat it, here are a few things you can expect.

Cold brew in its natural form has a smooth texture, wherein you can really feel the different notes and flavors of the coffee. Heating cold brew will make that cup of coffee more astringent and strong. It will not raise the acidity levels of coffee, but it will give you that slightly tingly sensation of having a high-acid coffee.

Another thing that happens when you heat cold brew is that it speeds up the process of oxidation. When coffee is exposed to oxygen, heat, or moisture, the process of oxidation begins. During this period the flavor of coffee begins to get stale. This means heating your brew will age your brew faster and the chances of it getting stale are higher.

What Is The Correct Way Of Heating Cold Brew?

Cup of coffee

The good thing about brewing coffee is that you can try out a number of different methods. The water temperature, the style of brew, the type of coffee, etc all constituents come together to make a perfect cup of coffee. 

When it comes to heating cold brew, the risk of the brew burning, turning too bitter, or losing its flavors comes into consideration. This is why while heating cold brew there is no one way you can do things. Here are a few methods you can use to heat cold brew:

1. Microwave It Right

Begin by diluting the cold brew concentrate. Depending upon how intense you like your coffee to be dilute it in a one-to-one or two-to-one ratio. Now add the coffee to a microwaveable cup and pop it in the microwave.

The only thing to watch out for is that when you heat anything in the microwave it heats really quickly and also dries the substance. Start with 30 seconds and then increase if you need it hotter. This is a safer option than having the flavor of coffee burned with excessive heat.

2. Dilute With Hot Water

This one is easy. Usually, when we pour cold brew concentrate, we add cold or room-temperature water with ice. Now, instead of cold water, all you need to do is dilute it with hot water.

This method has one less step and works great because you do not have to reheat the brewed concentrate. This ensures all flavors are locked in and taste is preserved. The risk of the flavor being too astringent or strong is also reduced.

You can also alter the water-to-concentrate ratio depending on your preferences. While this is a great method, some people really don’t like it. As they don’t find the beverage refreshing enough or hot enough. You can still give this a try and make a judgment for yourself.

3. Reheat On Stovetop

Didn’t like the diluting or microwaving method? Then this is your best bet. Take a pot and add the cold brew concentrate, now add your preferred quantity of water and heat it on the stovetop.

While following this method, keep a simple rule of keeping the heat at its lowest. Let the coffee heat up, but do not boil it or overheat it. Overheating will only kill its flavor. This method is simple, effective, and quick.

Does Serving Hot Brew Coffee Cold Make It Less Acidic?

Cold Brew

Not really. When you prepare your hot brew no matter what method you choose it is coming in contact with hot water with expediates the process of releasing acidic compounds from coffee.

Therefore, the brew already has a high acidic profile compared to cold brew. Whether you serve it hot or cold, the coffee will have the same levels of acidity in it.

However, when you serve coffee cold or iced, it can be soothing to your stomach. Therefore iced coffees do serve as an added advantage if you are not comfortable with hot brews.

What Does Acid In Coffee Mean?

Cold Brew Coffee in a bottle

Out of the many jargons and phrases used to define coffee, ‘acid in coffee’ is one of the most commonly used phrases. Some relate acidity in coffee to heartburn and some to the tingly sensation on the tip of the tongue when you take the first sip of coffee. Let’s understand what acid in coffee means and how it impacts the flavor of the coffee.

The acidity in coffee is often used to describe the quality of coffee. Most coffee enthusiasts associate the acid in coffee with high-quality and high-grown coffee. Some people who suffer from GERD (gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), associate coffee with an unpleasant taste that gives them heartburn or stomach ache.

But, not all acids in coffee are bad. As a matter of fact, the right balance of acidity in coffee gives you the fruitful, strong, and bitter taste and flavor that we all admire. Acidity is measured on the pH scale. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, numbers below 7 are more acidic and numbers above are less acidic. The pH level of coffee ranges from around 4.7 to 5, while lemon juice has a pH of 2, and milk has a pH of 6.5. 

Different Types Of Acids In Coffee And Their Impact

Acid is a chemical compound that is found in many food items such as vinegar, lemon, fruits, and of course coffee. Coffee alone has hundreds if not more acidic compounds. But, only a few of them actually affects how the coffee tastes at its final stage. Let’s look into what these acids are and how they impact the flavor of the coffee.

1. Citric Acid – Citric acid is the easiest flavor to identify. Most commonly associated with citrusy fruits like lemon and orange this acid, adds to the tartness of coffee. However, when present in excess concentration it might also produce a sour-tasting coffee.

2. Phosphoric Acid – Phosphoric acid in coffee makes up to 1% of its dry matter. Study shows that phosphoric acid contributes to a significant flavor profile of coffee. It is also sweeter in taste compared to other acids.

3. Malic Acid – Malic acid is often associated with fruits like apples, peaches, and pears. Malic acid is a huge reason why you can sense a fruity flavor in your brew.

4. Acetic Acids – Acetic acid is most commonly found in vinegar. The right balance of acetic acid lends coffee a pleasant sharpness. 

5. Quinic Acid – Quinic acid is produced as other acids in coffee degrade. You can find high traces of quinic acid in dark roast coffee or stale coffee. Quinic acid often has a bad effect on your digestive system.

What Kind Of Coffee Has The Least Acid?

Coffee Grounds

Despite understanding the different acids in coffee, many of us still need a cup of joe in the morning to wake us up. If you are someone who has negative effects like heartburn, stomach ache, acid reflux, etc to the acid in coffee, you must look for coffee with the least acid options.

There are several different types of coffee that are less acidic and can still give you a great taste and that caffeine hit. Here are some coffee options that have less acid compared to your regular coffee –

1. Dark Roasts – As we mentioned, dark roast coffee tends to be less acidic than light roast coffee. The presence of high levels of N-methylpyridium present in dark roast coffee slows down the rate at which our stomach excretes hydrochloric acids. Hence making it a less acidic option.

2. Espresso – Espresso is considered to be another form of coffee that has less acid when compared to other brews. This is due to the fact that espresso has a shorter brew time, which ensures less extraction of acid from coffee.

3. Cold Brew – Cold Brew owes its fame to being a low-acid coffee that is light on your stomach. A sip of cold brew is as refreshing as iced coffee could get, If you are prone to acid refluxes, switching to cold brew is a great option.

4. Low-acid Coffee Brands – If the above categories of coffee do not fit your requirement, switch to a nice low-acid coffee brand. There are specialty coffee brands that are produced in a way it contains less acid than your usual coffee. Continue reading to find out some of the best low-acid coffee brands.

Methods You Can Use To Reduce Acidity In Coffee

Salt in coffee

Here are some hacks on how you can reduce the acidity in coffee:

1. Brew It Cold

Brewing coffee with cold water is a much longer process than with hot water, however, a good side to this style of brewing is the slow extraction of oils. Cold water ensures that the natural acids present in the coffee grounds do not get released easily.

As a result, leaving you with a low-acid coffee. If you have not already tried cold brew, you must give it a shot. It has a natural sweetness to it and gives you the perfect amount of caffeine jolt without the added acid. Here is all you need to know about cold brew and how to make one.  

2. Use Eggshells

Using eggshells for brewing coffee might seem like an absurd idea, but it is backed by proper reasoning and science. Eggshells are alkaline and so it can help neutralize the natural acidity of coffee. For this to work, here is what you need to do: 

Take one or two eggshells and wash them properly. Crush the eggshells and add them to your ground coffee. Brew your coffee per usual.  Following this method not only reduces the acidity in coffee but also reduces the bitterness of coffee.

3. Add Salt

Many people use salt to reduce the acidity in coffee. All you need to do is add a dash of salt to your coffee grounds and then brew your coffee as you would.  Adding salt is also an excellent way to neutralize the bitter taste of coffee. The end result of adding salt is a refreshing, low-acid coffee with strong flavors intact.

Final Thoughts

We hope you have a full understanding of heating cold brew and its effect on its acidity. If you want to enjoy a hot brew you can try other methods like using a low-acid coffee brand, or adding baking soda, or salt to your brew. If you still, however, would like to heat cold brew. Watch out for the steps we mentioned above and get your brew ready! Happy Caffeinating!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is it bad to heat up cold brew?

It is perfectly fine to heat cold brew. Just don’t overheat it, as that will lead it to lose out on its flavor.

How do I reduce the acidity in my cold brew coffee?

There are many ways you can reduce the acidity in your coffee. You can add cinnamon to it, or add some salt while brewing your coffee. Adding cream or milk also helps neutralize the acid in coffee.

Is cold brew less acidic?

Cold Brew is said to be 67% less acidic than hot brew. This is solely due to its method of brewing. Unlike hot brew, cold brew is brewed overnight in room-temperature water. As a result, the acidic compounds in the coffee grounds take longer to get released making it a much smoother coffee.

Is it OK to drink cold coffee every day?

Yes, you can drink cold coffee every day, unless you are intolerant to cold coffee or have any other issues with iced beverages in general.

Is cold brew gentler on the stomach?

Cold brew has a much lighter and smoother taste. It feels gentler on the stomach and also contains a naturally sweet taste.

What’s the point of cold brew coffee?

Cold brew is a refreshing, less acidic, and delicious summer beverage. This is perfect for people who prefer iced beverages or are prone to acid reflux but need their coffee boost.

Is cold brew coffee better for you than hot coffee?

Cold brew coffee and hot coffee are both great coffees. Each of them has a distinctive brewing style unique to itself. 

What’s healthier cold brew or iced coffee?

Both iced coffee and cold brew are healthy. Iced coffee is made by adding ice to a hot brew or espresso. Cold brew on the other hand is brewed overnight in room-temperature weather.

Is cold brew less acidic than iced coffee?

Yes, cold brew is less acidic than iced coffee. Iced coffee is basically a hot brew with ice and hot brew contains more acid than cold brew.