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How To Use A Mr. Coffee Maker? Ultimate Guide For Beginners

If you like the idea of brewing bolder, stronger coffee with the press of a button, Mr. Coffee’s coffee makers will do just that for you. It is easy to use and can help you brew multiple cups of coffee at a time. 

Mr. Coffee is said to be one of the best yet simplest coffee makers. I say they’re the perfect morning companion. If you’re new to brewing coffee and are wondering how to get started with brewing yourself a delicious cup of joe using Mr. Coffee’s coffee machine, we’ve got you covered! 

In this guide, learn about the different coffee makers offered by the brand, their special functionalities, and how to prepare your new coffee maker, brew your first cup of coffee, clean and descale the appliance, and our best tips on how to make a delicious cup of coffee every time.

 Discover the Perfect Mr. Coffee Maker for Your Coffee Needs: Different Types Of Mr. Coffee’s Coffee Machine

Mr. Coffee Maker All-in-one Programmable 10-cup Coffee Maker
  • Please refer to user guide or user manual or user guide (provided below in PDF) before first use

Mr. Coffee as a brand is known for creating simple and easy-to-use drip coffee makers. The brand offers 19 different coffee makers at the moment, each one with an extra feature, so it is compatible with all sorts of coffee enthusiasts.

The coffee makers differ in look, style, and cup sizes, or some are made to stand out by adding extravagant features such as built-in grinders or built-in milk frothers. Regardless, all the coffee makers are designed to make strong brews with ease.

If sleek and stainless steel is your design preference, then you can go for the 10-cup programmable coffee maker. For a more traditional-looking glass carafe, the 12-cup programmable coffee maker would make a great pick.

If you’re more of a pod or K-cup person, Mr. Coffee also offers a coffee maker fit for that. And if you’re looking for something a little more versatile the Mr. Coffee specialty pods coffee maker 10-cup programmable coffee maker that comes with a milk frother is an excellent option as well.

Nonetheless, no matter what coffee maker you own, or are planning to buy, the majority of these coffee makers have the same structure and style and are built with the user’s convenience in mind. In this article, we will be explaining all the how-tos of brewing your morning coffee in Mr. Coffee’s coffee maker.

Prepare Your Coffee Maker: Here’s How?

Now, that you have your coffee maker all new and shiny, you’ll be tempted to add your coffee grounds and get brewing. But, hold on, you don’t want a weird taste in your coffee. Before you use your new coffee maker, you need to prepare it properly.

In order to prepare your coffee maker, you need to clean the coffee maker thoroughly. New coffee makers look good to use, but they often have some manufacturing oil residue, an odd smell, or dust that has settled in. It is imperative you clean your coffee maker to get rid of germs and bacteria. Here is what you need to do-

1. Fill the water reservoir with water.

2. Next, take the coffee pot out and wash it with a soapy solution.

3. Take out all the reusable filters, and brew-basket and wash properly with warm water and a soapy solution.

4. Now place the coffee pot on the warmer plate.

5. Turn the coffee maker on and start a brewing cycle with just water.

6. You can also repeat this cycle of brewing for a more thorough cleaning.

7. Let everything air dry.

How To Brew The Best Coffee Using Mr. Coffee’s Coffee Maker?

Baristas would agree coffee making is an art. It isn’t as simple as turning on the coffee machine and the right settings, it involves using the correct water type, perfectly sized coffee grounds, and a well-measured coffee-to-water ratio.

Preparation For Brewing Coffee

Before we delve into using your brand-new coffee maker and how you can make a great cup of coffee, you first need to get your ingredients right. If you have all the ingredients you can also jump straight to the brewing stage. If you’re not sure about all thing necessary, this is how you need to prepare for your brew:

Type Of Coffee Bean

Coffee Beans

When it comes to picking the right coffee bean, the options are endless. From dark to light roasts, to a variety of flavor notes like chocolate and nuts to tones of florals and fruit; picking a favorite is a task in itself. There are essentially four types of coffee beans – Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa, and Liberica.

Out of which Arabica and Robusta coffee beans are the most commonly used and sold. Many people prefer Arabica beans for their mild flavor. On the other hand, people who like stronger, bitter coffee, prefer Robusta.

You can pick Arabica if you like a more smooth and mild coffee flavor, and do not enjoy a particularly bitter taste in your coffee. Pick Robusta coffee beans if you enjoy a more complex, aromatic flavor profile, and pair your coffee with cream and sugar. You can also pick a blend of both Arabic and Robusta if that’s more your style.

Ideal Roast Profile

Coffee roasting

Once you have decided on the type of coffee beans you like, you need to select a roast type. You can either opt for a light roast, medium roast, or dark roast coffee. Lightly roasted coffee is said to have a more potent flavor than dark roasts since they spend less time being roasted. These have a strong smell and flavor and have complex flavors intact.

Medium roasts on the other hand are a little sweeter, Unlike light roasts, these have low acidity and are not as strong as light roasts. Lastly, Dark roasts are strong, bold, and have a smoky flavor. They’re also the least acidic among the lot. When you’re in need of a strong, bitter, but low-acid coffee; dark roasts are the way to go!

The Perfect Grind Size

One of the most important aspects of making coffee is the grind size. Different types of brew require different grind sizes. For example for drip brew you need medium-sized coffee grounds, for the cold brew you need coarse while for espresso you need finely ground coffee.

Mr. Coffee’s coffee makers mostly have drip brew, which means you will need medium-sized coffee grounds. How evenly and fresh your coffee grounds are impacts how well water seeps through the grounds, how oils are extracted from your brew, and ultimately, how well the coffee tastes.

You can use store-bought medium-sized coffee grounds or use a grinder to grind fresh coffee beans. After all, there is nothing like the flavors of freshly ground coffee, and grinding your own coffee beans gives you an insight into the true coffee-making experience.

Here are the 8 best coffee grinders for drip coffee – Check them out!


Water is often an overlooked aspect when it comes to making coffee. The quality of water you use directly impacts the flavor of the coffee.  If you’re planning to use tap water and tap water tastes bad or has an odd smell, your coffee grounds will soak the smell and flavor.

The best thing you can do here is to use filtered water. Invest in a water filter or simple water filter disc, anything that makes your water clean and odor free. 


The ideal coffee-to-water ratio is 1:17. Which means, for every 1 gram of coffee you need 17 grams of water. This ensures all the flavors and oil are properly extracted from the coffee.

How To Use Mr. Coffee Maker? Settings & Instructions

Once you have all your ingredients in place, all you need to do is choose the right settings and brew your coffee. This is the easy part, so get brewing!

Choosing The Right Settings:

Mr. Coffee Coffee Maker

The good thing about Mr. Coffee is that the appliance does not have very complex settings. Even a coffee novice can brew an excellent cup of coffee without much comprehension. Most coffee makers have a default setting and that works fine, but you should know the functionality in case you have a different brewing style.

1. The ‘Select/Off’ Or ‘Brew’ Button

This one is simple, the brew button or on/off button is to start the brewing process. This button commands the machine to start brewing once you have added the coffee and the water.

2. The ‘Brew Strength’ Button

You can adjust how strong your coffee is using the brew strength button. The default setting of the coffee maker is regular strength, if you need a stronger cup of coffee, press the strength button once and the indicator on strong brew will light up. If you need regular strength you can press the button again and move it to regular strength.

The primary difference between the two is, when you choose strong, the water takes its sweet time to seep through the coffee grounds ensuring maximum extraction of the oils and flavors present. The stronger brew setting also takes a little longer than the regular brew setting.

3. The ‘Set Delay’ Button

This is perhaps the most exciting feature about Mr. Coffee. Using the set delay button you can set the timing for your brewing, meaning if you need a cup of coffee as soon as you wake up, you can adjust the hours and minute button to set your preferred time and it will brew automatically at that time.

Step-by-Step Instructions On Brewing Coffee Using Mr. Coffee

Mr. Coffee 12-cup programmable coffee maker

1.  Open the brew basket and add a filter to the removable basket. Use a larger size filter to avoid the coffee grounds from spilling all over the basket. 

2. Now fill the brew basket with coffee grounds. You can use the spoon with the coffee maker to measure and fill the coffee grounds. Shake the basket a little or use the same spoon to level the coffee grounds.

3. Fill the water reservoir with water. All the coffee makers will have water markings on the side indicating the quantity of water.

4. Warm up your carafe by pouring hot water on it. Fill it with hot water for a few seconds and discard the water. Place it back on the warmer plate

5. Plugin the coffee maker, select how strong you want your coffee to be, and turn the brewing cycle on.

6. The water from the water reservoir will start soaking the coffee grounds and you can now see the coffee dripping through the hole at the bottom.

7. The warmer plate on which your carafe is placed ensures your coffee stays really hot for a long period of time.

Note:  In case you want to pour yourself a cup of coffee and the brew cycle isn’t complete you can press the pause button if your coffee maker has one or simply remove the carafe and the coffee will stop dripping. Don’t keep it out for too long though, the coffee is going to overflow.

How Do I Program My Mr. Coffee Coffee Maker?

Programming the coffee maker is one of the most exciting parts about owning a coffee machine, to have your morning coffee ready as soon as you wake up is a feeling unlike any other. Here is how you can program your coffee maker-

1. Set the correct time first – To begin programming your coffee maker, plug in your coffee maker. Once it turns on, the digital clock will flash 12:00. This is when you press the minute and hour button to set the current time. Also, pay attention to the AM and PM.

2. Set the delayed time – Press the ‘set delay’ button and set the time you want your coffee to brew. If you have set the wrong time and you need to cancel the setting, you can then press the ‘Select/off button’

3. Prepare your coffee maker – This is when you add the coffee grounds to the brew basket and fill the water reservoir. 

4. Activate the delay brew – Once everything is done and set you to need to turn on the delayed brew setting. Depending on your coffee maker, press the delay brew button once if you have one or the select/off button twice. When the ‘delay brew’ indicator is illuminated, you will know that the setting is active.

How To Make Iced Coffee With A Mr. Coffee Maker?

Iced Coffee

There are two ways to go about making an iced coffee using Mr. Coffee, you can either brew hot coffee and pour the hot coffee on a glass filled with ice. The second method is using the Mr. Coffee Iced Coffee Maker. If you own this appliance, this is how you go about it.

1. First, place the reusable filter in the brew basket and fill it with coffee grounds.

2. Next, measure the water in your iced coffee tumbler and pour it into the water reservoir.

3. Fill the tumbler with ice and place it under the drip stop.

4. Hot coffee will soon start pouring on top of the ice.

5. Once done, close the drip stop and remove your tumbler.

6. Lastly, Add milk, creamer, and flavored syrups of your choice and enjoy your brew!

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Mr. Coffee Machine

Mr. Coffee Maker

Cleaning your coffee maker is as important as any other part of the coffee brewing process. You can use the same steps you used to clean your coffee maker as you did for preparing your coffee maker.

Remove all the reusable water filters, the carafe, coffee spoon and wash them thoroughly with a soapy solution. You can also place the glass carafe and its lid, and the filter basket in the top rack of your dishwasher. You can also fill the water reservoir with water and some vinegar and run a brewing cycle to clean the coffee maker from within.

Brew Like a Pro with Mr. Coffee’s Coffee Maker: Tips and Tricks

If you’ve understood all the settings of the coffee maker, you are good to go. But, before you go, here are some tips you can use to make a delicious cup of coffee.

1. Freshly ground coffee is the best. If you have the option, always ground coffee beans fresh before making your coffee. Store-bought coffee works fine, but the fresher the better.

2. Use a water filter. There is nothing like fresh, filtered water for your coffee.

3. If you want to add milk to your coffee. Froth your milk and then add it to your coffee. This not only adds a natural sweetness to the coffee but also gives it a rich and creamy taste. Here are the 6 best milk frothers for making a latte at home.

4. Use flavored syrups in your coffee. Wondering what makes barista coffee taste so good, it’s the addition of sugar syrups, vanilla syrups, and delicious flavored syrups. Have some fun with your morning coffee, make it a treat!

Troubleshooting Common Problems With Mr. Coffee Maker

Mr. Coffee is a versatile coffee appliance. However, you can still face certain issues while adjusting to a new machine. If your coffee tastes too watery or too strong, adjust the coffee-to-water ratio. If there are other technical issues, we have answered a few of them below.

Why Is My Mr. Coffee Not Making Coffee?

There are a number of reasons why your Mr. Coffee is not making coffee. The first thing you should do is check all the settings properly. Is the coffee maker plugged in properly? Are the settings set to brew? Have you accidentally set it to a delayed brew? 

If all the above settings are fine, see if the water reservoir has enough water or not. Sometimes the carafe is placed in a way that coffee does not drip. See if it is aligned properly on the warmer plate. Another thing that can happen is if your coffee filter is clogged, then fix that. If nothing works, contact customer service.

How Do You Fix A Clogged Mr. Coffee?

If your coffee maker is clogged and your coffee isn’t brewing. You need to go through a full cleaning process and then brew your coffee. To clean your coffee maker uses a 1:1 ratio of vinegar to water and fill the water reservoir. Set it to brew a full 12 cups of coffee twice. 

Doing this ensures any clogged coffee buildup or dirt is thoroughly cleaned and helps brew better coffee. It is ideal that you do this process of cleaning your coffee maker every few days. Cleaning it with vinegar is an affordable solution and also helps get rid of the germs and mold that could be present within.

Final Thoughts

Mr. Coffee is an excellent and affordable coffee maker. Use the above guide to brew yourself a delicious cup of joe every morning. Ensure you are cleaning the device properly for proper maintenance of the product. Happy Brewing!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do you make good coffee with Mr. Coffee?

Mr. Coffee makers make good quality, strong coffee. Measure coffee grounds and water properly. Simply fill the brew basket with coffee grounds, add water to the reservoir and adjust your preferred settings. Brew your coffee, add frothed milk, and flavored syrups and enjoy! 

Why is my Mr. Coffee not making coffee?

There are many reasons why your Mr. Coffee could not be making coffee. See if the settings are alright if there is enough water if the coffee grounds aren’t too dry or if the coffee machine isn’t clogged. Find out the issue and then work on the problem.

How many scoops do you put in Mr. Coffee?

The ideal coffee-to-water ratio is six ounces of water for every two tablespoons of coffee.

How long does Mr. Coffee take?

Not very long, Mr. Coffee maker brews coffee in under 4 minutes.

Does Mr. Coffee turn off automatically?

Not all Mr. Coffee makers have an automatic shut-off. Some models like the 12-cup coffee maker come with an automatic turn-off option.

Why is my Mr. Coffee so slow?

If your grind size isn’t correct, coffee can take time to brew. For Mr. Coffee use medium-sized coffee grounds. If the coffee grounds are too fine, water can take time to flow through the grounds.

What is the warranty on a Mr. Coffee coffee maker?

The warranty on your Mr. Coffee coffee maker is one year from the date of purchase.

How do I descale my Mr. Coffee coffee maker?

To descale your coffee maker, remove all removable parts from the coffee maker and wash it with a soapy solution. Then take a 1:1 ratio of water and vinegar and place the carafe on the warmer plate. Run a full brewing cycle once or twice in order to get rid of residue, or debris.