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How Long Should You Steep Cold Brew Coffee? Ultimate Guide

Whether you’re a beginner or an Intermediate at making coffee, you have probably stumbled across the question “ How long should you steep cold brew?”.

Cold Brew Coffee in a bottle and glass

The thing is that the process of making a cold brew is extremely simple, simpler than most coffee at least. But, where most people get it wrong and end up with either a bitter or tasteless coffee is the process and timing of steeping the coffee grounds.

So, the question is How Long Should You Steep Cold Brew For? While there are many other factors and considerations that come into play when deciding how long to steep your coffee for, the general rule of thumb is you should be steeping your Cold brew anywhere between 12 to 16 hours. 

In this article, we will be talking about these factors, considerations, and some other tips to prepare the best Cold Brew at home!

What Is The Ideal Time For Steeping Cold Brew?

There are many ways you can prepare a Cold Brew, and every time someone uses a different method to prepare coffee other factors come into play changing the ideal time for steeping the coffee.

These factors could be using a different method to brew coffee, or using a different coffee to water ratio, or using a different type of coffee grounds!

The Kyoto Tower Method (8 -12 Hours)

Yama Glass Cold Brew Maker I Ice Coffee Machine With Slow Drip Technology I
  • BETTER TASTE: Ice water reservoir paired with slow drip system delivers 6-8 cups of premium cold brew ensuring you are extracting the full profile from you coffee grounds more effectively than traditional brewing methods
  • FASTER BREW TIME without sacrificing premium results. Our cold brew drip technology delivers the best cold brew in 3-4 hours compared to 16-24 hours with immersion style brewing

It is said that the Kyoto tower brewing method, was commonly used to brew Cold Brew in the 1600s. It is also a perfect method for all the impatient coffee drinkers out there since it brews coffee faster than the traditional method.

The Kyoto Tower is made of 3 glass containers, the upper container is filled with ice or cold water. The middle container is filled with coffee grounds and the lower container is where the concentrate gets stored.

If you decide to use this method of brewing coffee, then it can take roughly 8 hours, it may take longer depending on other factors. Usually, you have your Cold Brew concentrate extracted within 8 to 12 hours.

This is the best Kyoto Tower for making cold brew – Click here!

Mason Jar Or French Press Method (12-16 Hours)

Cold brew in a jar

If you are not using the fancy method of brewing cold brew and using the good old container, mason jar, or a french press to brew your coffee, it should take you around 12 to 16 hours.

Other factors, like the temperature, coffee beans, and coffee to water ratio should be taken into consideration. But, if everything is done right you should have a good glass of Cold Brew within 12 to 16 hours of brewing your coffee.

How Long Is Too Long To Steep Cold Brew?

Most people seem to think that the longer they steep the Cold Brew, the better it will taste. Well, that is not at all the case. Overextraction can result in your coffee tasting extremely bitter and the flavor of the coffee will be way too overpowering for you to drink.

Therefore, if you were to steep the coffee grounds a little longer, we do not recommend going any longer than 24 hours at room temperature. You can steep it for a little longer in the refrigerator as the cold temperature slows down the extraction process.

What Happens If You Steep Cold Brew For Too Long?

If you steep your Cold brew longer than it is recommended (24 hours at room temperature) it means that you have over-extracted from your coffee beans. This results in an extremely bitter coffee, it also develops a woody taste.

[Must Read: How Long Does Cold Brew Last Unrefrigerated?]

What Happens If You Don’t Steep Cold Brew Long Enough?

Since Cold Brew is brewed without using any heat in the process, the water needs a lot of time to extract the flavors and oils from the coffee bean.

Thus, as important it is to keep a watch on over-extraction, it is also very important to make sure that you are not steeping it lesser than what is recommended. 

If you filter the coffee beans earlier than the required time, you will end up with a watery and weak coffee. That probably does not has the flavor of Cold Brew that you were expecting.

[Also Read: Does Heating Cold Brew Make It Acidic]

Does The Coffee Grind Size Affect Cold Brew Steeping Time?

Yes, it is extremely crucial that the right size of ground coffee has been used to make cold brew. The right type of Grind for your Cold Brew is a coarse grind, similar to the size of sugar pearls or kosher salt. 

The simple explanation to why you need to use coarse coffee grounds for cold brew is that when you use fine coffee grounds you risk over-extraction.

This happens because the grounds are so fine, that it takes a long time to filter out the water which results in over-extraction leading to an extremely bitter coffee.

[Must Read: Can Cold Brew Coffee Grounds Be Reused]

What Type Of Coffee Beans Should Be Used For Cold Brew?

Coffee Beans

Most people would recommend using medium to dark roast for cold brew, as light roast would not bring out the flavor that strong coffee has. When you use Medium to dark roast you get that chocolate and nutty flavor in your coffee which makes it taste smooth and less acidic.

But, our recommendation would be to begin making your coffee with a light to medium roast. This is because Cold brew brings out a different flavor profile than hot brew credits to its long steeping hours.

Here are some of the best coffee you can use to make Cold Brew –

1. Light Roast –  LifeBoost Light Roast Beans 

2. Medium Roast –  Tiny Footprint Coffee Cold Brew & Press Elixir

3. Dark Roast –  Stone Street Cold Brew Coffee

Do You Need To Steep Cold Brew In The Fridge?

No, you do not need to steep Cold brew in the fridge. In fact, the right way to do this would be to let the coffee grounds steep on the countertop at room temperature. Once the brewing process is over filter out the coffee, and store the concentrate in the refrigerator.

The reason why you should not be brewing cold brew inside the refrigerator is that it will lengthen the extraction process at a colder temperature, therefore making it longer to be ready to drink.

How Long Does Cold Brew Last Refrigerated?

Once the brewing is complete and you have stored the coffee in the fridge. It can last anywhere between 8 to 14 days. To ensure safety, store it in an airtight container. After 2 weeks, the coffee could go rancid and lose its aroma and intensity. 

What Is The Coffee Grounds To Water Ratio?

We have found the best results with a 1:5 ratio, that is if you need to take 200gm of coffee grounds for every 1litre of water. This works best if you want to brew coffee in a way that you take it out of the jug and pour and enjoy without diluting it with more water.

But, if you’re brewing a batch of cold brew and looking to make a cold brew concentrate then follow the ratio of 1:2, for every 1 part of coffee use 2 parts water.

Most people prefer experimenting with coffee to water ratio to find out how strong they like their brew and we would recommend doing the same.

If you’re a beginner start with the given ratio and then adjust according to your taste and preferences. You can dilute the cold brew concentrate with milk, water, soda, etc.

How To Make Cold Brew Coffee (Step-by-Step Instructions)

Cold Brew

Cold Brew is by far one of the easiest ways of making coffee that we have come across. Sure, it takes longer than regular coffee. But the refreshing taste after the coffee has brewed properly is worth the wait.

What You’ll Need

  • 1½ cup of coarsely ground coffee
  • 3 cups water
  • Mesh sieve
  • Cheesecloth or Napkin

The Process

1. Add the coffee grounds to a mason jar or any other container. Add water and give it a good stir.

2. Cover and let it sit at room temperature for 12 to 14 hours. If you want to keep the Cold Brew in the Refrigerator, it may take more time, around 16 to 18 hours or so.

3. When you are ready to strain your brew, take a large bowl and a cheesecloth or a thin cloth. Place the mesh sieve over the bowl and spread the cheesecloth on it.

4. Pour the brew on the cheesecloth. Make sure the coffee grounds are separated from the water completely.

[Also Read: 6 Ways To Make Cold Brew]

5. Refrigerate immediately after. When serving, fill a glass with ice, add the Cold brew, and enjoy!

How To Make It Taste Less Bitter?

There are many factors that could result in a bitter cold brew. The first factor that could affect the taste is the brew time. Make sure you’re properly timing the steeping time. Do not under or over brew the coffee.

Another factor that could result in a bitter coffee is the quality of coffee grounds you are using for the brew. Ensure to use good-quality coffee beans to make your coffee.

However, If you end up with a bitter cup of cold brew, dilute it with some milk and sweeteners. You can also use flavored syrups like vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, etc. Find out the best flavored syrups for coffee.

How Do You Know If Cold Brew Has Gone Bad?

The given timeline on how long a cold brew can stay fresh is an estimate, now that you know that there are some definite signs you should look for, that indicates if the coffee is still fresh to drink or not!

If you taste it and find that the caffeine kick has gone, then for sure. It’s gone bad and has lost its flavor. Here are some of the things you should look for, to find out if the brew has gone bad.

  • Loss of aroma
  • No flavor or intensity
  • Caffeine kick has gone
  • Extremely acidic taste
  • Mold or rancid smell

Final Thoughts

If you use good quality coffee beans, use the correct method, and steep your cold brew within the recommended time you would definitely end up with a really good glass of Cold Brew.

It is the most simple coffee to make and can be made with a ton of variations. Try out this refreshing coffee and beverage and enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are 8 hours enough for Cold Brew?

Yes, you can prepare Cold Brew in 8 hours. But, this method would work the best if you’re using the Kyoto tower method.

How long should you steep cold brew in the fridge?

If you have steeped cold brew in the refrigerator, the ideal time would be anywhere between 16 to 18 hours. It could also take up to 24 hours depending on the temperature and other factors like coffee to water ratio.

Why is my Cold Brew so light?

If you feel that your Cold Brew is light in taste and does not quite hold the flavor of coffee you were expecting, then this could be possible that your coffee hasn’t been steeped properly. 

It is best to let your coffee grounds sit in the water for a little longer to ensure that the oils and flavor have been extracted properly.

What can you make with Cold brew concentrate?

There are too many ways you can make coffee. You can try out different recipes and make them fun. Here are the most common ones you can try:
Iced Coffee – Dilute your concentrate with cold water and ice
Iced Cold Brew Latte– Dilute your concentrate with milk and ice.
Hot Cold Brew Coffee – Dilute your concentrate with hot water
Cold Brew Soda – Dilute your concentrate with flavored syrup, ice, and soda water

How to store Cold brew?

Apart from refrigerating the Cold brew as soon as it has brewed, it is really important to store it properly to extend its shelf life.

Once the cold brew concentrate is ready, store it in an airtight container. This is done for two reasons. One so the aroma and the flavor of the coffee aren’t affected by other things in the fridge. 

Is there any difference between cold Brew and Iced Coffee?

Even though it seems that both drinks are just coffee with Ice. That is not at all the case. Let’s learn what makes one beverage so different from the other.

They differ in how they are brewed, served, in taste, flavor, and experience. We have listed down how one drink differs from the other and how you can enjoy and appreciate the taste and flavor of both drinks, check it out here!

How do you serve Cold Brew?

How to drink coffee really depends on individual choices and preferences. I like to enjoy my cold brew plain with lots of ice, if you want a lighter flavor you can add ice cubes to a tall glass, fill it halfway with cold brew and then dilute it with some milk.