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Can You Put Agave In Coffee? READ THIS FIRST

With low-fat milk, vegan options, and a variety of sugar alternatives; the list of ingredients you can use to make a customized cup of coffee as per your preference and dietary needs is never-ending. Among these exceptional experiments is Agave. Agave in coffee is a fantastic sugar alternative. If you prefer experimenting with your coffee or are just looking for a change, you have to try this!

In this article, we will be discussing if you can put agave in coffee, what it tastes like, its benefits on your health, and also a delicious coffee recipe to try Agave in Coffee.

What Is Agave?

Agave Syrup

Extracted from the sap of the Agave plant, native to Mexico, Agave Nectar also referred to as Agave Syrup is a sweet liquid commonly used as a sweetener. It is derived from cactus-like plants that grow in warm climates like Mexico, or the southern United States. 

Once the liquid is extracted from the plants, it is then processed and boiled to produce the final product. The syrup from this plant is further processed and broken down into simple sugar which is also fermented to make tequila.

Agave Syrup is most commonly found as a replacement for honey, sugar, or maple syrup. It is a brown thick sugar syrup that resembles the taste of molasses. If you are looking for a sugar alternative in your baked goods, coffee, or shakes –  Agave Syrup is a good option.

Can You Put Agave In Coffee?

Agave Syrup in Coffee

Yes, you can definitely have coffee with agave. Agave has a strong and rich flavor that balances perfectly with the intense aroma and flavoring of coffee. When trying Agave for the first time, add it to your coffee without changing much so you know the exact flavor it lends to your morning cuppa.

Once accustomed, you can experiment and add different flavorings and try it out with different milk options as well. Continue reading to find out what agave tastes like and how to make a nice iced coffee using agave nectar.

Agave In Coffee: What Is It Like?

Agave has a more rich and sweeter flavor than sugar. So, whenever you’re making anything with Agave, make sure to use half the quantity as you normally would with sugar, as it is said to be two times sweeter.

Some might argue, that Agave’s flavor is too strong and overpowering with coffee. We on the other hand feel, that the two combination balances each other well. However, it has gained sudden popularity amongst coffee fanatics, which means that many people are already enjoying this combo.

How Does Agave Taste In Coffe?

Like we said before, Agave is twice as sweet as Sugar, so every time you add Agave to your coffee or desserts use half the quantity. When it comes to taste, the best way to describe it would be that it tastes similar to honey. 

Some people can also relate the flavor to that of Maple Syrup or a sweet liquid with a hint of caramel. Agave goes best with hot beverages, so if you are on the fence about trying Agave with your hot morning coffee, don’t be. Agave balances out the bitterness of the coffee and gives you a nice cup that is neither too sweet nor too bitter.

Need more interesting flavor combinations? Here are the top 10 flavored syrups for coffee.

Is Adding Agave To Coffee Healthy? Benefits Of Agave 

Agave In coffee

Ok, you get the point, Agave is a delicious sweet syrup perfect for your coffee, but is it really healthy? Continue reading to find out. Agave juice is extracted from the Agave plants and then heated and evaporated to create simple sugar which then results in forming the Agave extract.

This process results in a sweet syrup that has a low glycemic index compared to most sweeteners including sugar, which means it does not spike blood sugar levels much. Some of the other benefits of Agave are that it is allergy-friendly and it is vegan-friendly.

However, research suggests that it is very high in fructose, which isn’t the best for your metabolism. Agave is also said to have more calories than sugar, 1tsp of sugar has 16 calories while 1tsp of Agave has 21 calories.

With that being said, if you enjoy the flavor of Agave in your coffee, you can use it, but only in moderation. Consuming Agave Syrup with your coffee regularly would not be the smartest choice, as there are no such health benefits to it, and is in fact higher in calories.

Calories In Coffee With Agave 

30ml of Espresso contains anywhere between 0 to 3 calories and 1 Tsp of Agave has around 21 calories. When making your cup of coffee with Regular milk, Almond Milk, Coconut Milk, Soy Milk, or Oat Milk this is what the calories would look like- 

Type of MilkCalories in Milk (100 ml/3 oz)Total Calories in Coffee with Agave Syrup (Kcal)
Milk 2% Fat5275
Coconut Milk230254
Almond Milk1337
Oat Milk4266
Soy Milk5478

This is what your total calorie intake would look like when making coffee with Agave. If you choose to add extra ingredients like flavoring or syrup, the nutritional value will change accordingly.

Iced Coffee With Agave – Recipe

Iced Coffee with Agave

Summers are here, and what better than a nice cup of Iced Coffee. If you want to try out Agave in your coffee this is the best way to go-


  • 1 – 2 shots of Espresso
  • Milk of choice (100ml/ 3 oz)
  • 1 Tsp Agave Nectar
  • 1/4 cup of Ice

The Process

1. Pull 2 shots of espresso. If you do not have an espresso machine, you can also use around 1/4 cup of brewed coffe or cold brew.

2. Add Agave Syrup to the coffee and stir properly

3. Take a tall glass, fill it with ice, and add the coffee and agave concoction. Add chilled milk to it and enjoy.

4. You can also add cold foam for some fun, or top it with flavorings or syrup of your choice.

Final Thoughts

The list of things you can add to your coffee is never-ending. Agave is a great way to sweeten your coffee when you are bored of your regular coffee and need something interesting and fun.

While not the best option, when it comes to making a healthy coffee, but perfect when consumed occasionally for some nice iced coffee. Make your coffee using agave and let us know, what do you like better, sugar with coffee or agave with coffee?

Also, Read 20 Things You Can Add To Espresso

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is agave better than sugar in coffee?

Agave contains more calories than sugar, so if you are on a calorie watch, Agave might not be the best choice. However, it does contain some unique health benefits and also has a nice and rich flavor to it.

What does agave taste like in coffee?

It tastes similar to honey or maple syrup. Agave balances out the bitterness of the coffee and gives you a nice cuppa that is neither too sweet nor too bitter.

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