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20 Interesting Things People Add To Their Espresso

If you like visiting specialty coffee shops, you have probably found yourself glaring at menu items like Caramel, Vanilla, Lavender, and other coffee flavors.

Most coffee connoisseurs prefer drinking their coffee straight-up black, however, it is completely okay to go crazy once in a while and indulge in one of these fancy-looking coffee drinks with weird names and flavors added to it.

In complete honesty, there is no right or wrong way of drinking coffee. Time and again there have been new discoveries, coffee trends, and recipes that have come into the picture and changed the way we drink our daily coffee.

20 Interesting Things You Can Add To Espresso (At a Glance)


Espresso in particular is one of the most potent forms of coffee available out there. If you don’t know a lot about coffee and are in the mood to experiment with it, here are 20 interesting things you can add to your espresso-

1. Ice Cream

2. Heavy Cream

3. Milk Foam

4. Whipped Cream

5. Steamed Milk

6. Orange Juice

7. Chocolate Sauce

8. Honey

9. Nutella

10. Vodka

11. Condensed Milk

12. Salt

13. Maple Syrup

14. Half & Half

15. Brandy

16. Butter

17. Cinnamon

18. Coconut Cream

19. Vanilla Extract

20. Ginger Powder

1. Ice Cream

Ice cream with espresso

When you think of things you can add to espresso, Ice-cream is something that is going to pop into your head right off the bat. If you haven’t already heard about the famous coffee dessert “Affogato”- you’re missing out!

Love dessert and coffee, Whip up some Affogato! Affogato is an Italian dessert made with decadent vanilla ice cream and espresso. This is probably the easiest and the most delicious way to add some fun to your regular coffee.

All you need is 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream and 1 shot of espresso. Take a short glass add your vanilla ice cream and pour in the hot espresso. That’s it, dig in right away! The sweet, vanilla flavor of the ice cream is the perfect way to balance the strong and bitter coffee flavor.

Want to make things more fun? Try out this iced coffee recipe.

2. Heavy Cream

Heavy cream with coffee

Most of us use milk in our daily coffee, heavy cream is nothing but an upgraded and fancier version of using milk. Add heavy cream to your espresso when you want a rich, creamy coffee.

Italians have always preferred adding cream to their espresso. Heavy cream creates a nice and thick texture to your coffee, that you wouldn’t otherwise get with milk. 

3. Milk Foam

Espresso Macchiato

Another Italian coffee beverage, famously known as ‘Macchiato’ is typically prepared with espresso and a dollop of milk foam. Macchiato is an espresso-dominated beverage. Therefore, a good choice for someone who enjoys a stronger and bolder coffee flavor.

The word ‘Macchiato’ means ‘spotted’ in Italian. In Portugal, it is referred to as “Cafe pingado” or “coffee with a drop”. This is because of the way the drink is served by the baristas. 

A dollop of steamed milk is poured over an espresso shot making it look like a ‘mark’ or a ‘stain’. With time, famous coffee joints have come with different variations of this traditional coffee beverage. 

One very famous innovation was caramel macchiato. That is steamed milk served with a little espresso and caramel syrup. We highly recommend trying a Macchiato. It is a classic and if you are anything like us you’re definitely going to enjoy it.

Read more on Macchiato, its origin, and how to make one at home!

4. Whipped Cream

Coffee with whipping cream

While we are on the topic of cream and fluffy milk foam, we can’t forget the favorite topping of all desserts – Whipped Cream. Yes, you heard that right – Whipped cream is another gem you can add to your espresso.

Not only is whipped cream a very common addition to espresso but you can find it in almost all coffee shops including Starbucks. Quick to whip up at home, serves as a perfect beverage or dessert.

To make it at home, all you need is 1 to 2 shots of espresso and 2 tablespoons of freshly whipped cream along with sugar. You can also add vanilla extract, or added flavors like caramel or hazelnut. 

The next time you’re at a coffee shop and want to try this delicious caffeine treat, simply ask for Espresso Con Panna. The combination of strong espresso and thick whipped cream on top is surely something you will relish!

Read more on adding heavy whipping cream to coffee.

5. Steamed Milk


It is impossible to talk about cream and foam and not talk about classic steamed milk. Craving a cappuccino or latte, all you need is espresso with steamed milk.

Steamed milk has been and will always continue to be one of the most interesting things you can add to your espresso. Low in calories and makes one hell of a coffee beverage, steamed milk with espresso can’t be beaten.

Not only that, but if you’re a vegan, lactose intolerant or prefer non-dairy milk, this is still your best bet! Nothing feels better than a warm cup of latte with your favorite steamed milk, whether it is Almond, Oats, or Coconut.

Want to know what effect Almond milk has on coffee? Read this article.

Here is how you can froth Almond, Oat, and Coconut Milk for your favorite Latte at home!

6. Orange Juice

If you’re even a little bit fascinated with new coffee trends – then you’ve definitely heard about this one. Espresso and Orange Juice are another trend that people are going crazy about.

Both Espresso and Orange Juice are breakfast items, but we never really thought of having them together, did we? In case you are hesitant about trying this citrusy caffeine combination, let us tell you how this concoction tastes and if it’s even worth the hype!

First, Orange Juice made our list of 20 Interesting things to add to your Espresso- so definitely it is worth the hype! The citrus flavor and strong bitter taste of Espresso feel like a boost of energy when consumed together.

The tangy and citrus taste of Orange Juice reduces the bitterness in coffee in turn reducing the acidity. Top the glass with lots of ice and you have yourself a perfect summer morning drink.

7. Chocolate Sauce

Chocolate Sauce

Everyone enjoys a little something sweet in their breakfast, and when that little something is the deadly combination of chocolate and coffee, it makes the perfect sweet caffeine treat!

Chocolate and Coffee is a classic combination, famously known as Mocha. It is surprising how well coffee pairs with almost every single ingredient used in making delicious desserts.

In fact, you will find that some of the best couverture chocolates have fine notes of coffee in them. That is how well the two flavors complement each other. 

The next time you’re craving something chocolatey for breakfast, you know what you need to make; Espresso + Chocolate Sauce + Steamed Milk = Perfect Morning Coffee.

Learn how to make the perfect Mocha Cappuccino at home.

If you’ve already explored chocolate sauce in coffee, It’s time to explore chocolate milk in coffee.

8. Honey


Known to be a superfood, Honey is used as a healthier alternative to sugar in breakfast items, desserts, and beverages. If you are not the experimental type, the idea of adding honey to your coffee might seem weird to you.

It did seem a little strange to us as well, but we had to do our research on what all the buzz was about. Here is what we found – Most people consume honey thinking it is low in calories, well they are wrong; 1 tsp sugar has 16 calories while 1 tsp honey has 21 calories.

Now we know that honey is in fact higher in calories, then why is honey considered to be healthier than sugar? Here’s why – When it comes to measuring how healthy an ingredient on your plate or cup is it isn’t limited to calories.

Honey is said to be a superfood since it is loaded with anti-bacterial properties, is rich in vitamins and calcium, and is also high in antioxidants. Not only that, it gives a perfect caramel taste to your morning coffee. With so many benefits and the taste being a plus point, you should definitely give adding honey to your coffee a try!

9. Nutella


Chocolate and hazelnut is another classic combination that everyone seems to love. And who doesn’t love Nutella? Breakfast, Snack, or Dessert – Nutella is one ingredient that is enjoyed at all times.

If you love Nutella as much as we do, this is a must-try with your coffee. The sweet, nutty, and chocolate flavor perfectly balances with the strong coffee. Add some steamed milk and you will have yourself a perfect Nutella Latte.

Prefer cold coffee over hot, Blend iced, chilled milk, and Nutella together – there you have it perfect iced coffee. You must try this amazing combination. Adding Nutella to your coffee isn’t going to be disappointing, we promise!

10. Vodka

Espresso Martini

If the idea of alcohol in your coffee seems good to you, then Vodka is the perfect thing you can add to your coffee. Vodka and coffee are indeed a great combination for a late-night drink.

Now, of course, it isn’t the best option for an early morning beverage, but this is perfect for after dinner or evening hours when you want a little boozy caffeinated drink.

The next time you’re out and want to try this amazing concoction, be sure to ask for Espresso Martini. It is made by combining vodka, espresso, coffee liquor, and simple syrup.

11. Condensed Milk

Condensed Milk with Espresso

Café Canario, café bombón – Espresso with condensed milk goes by many names. Said to be a Spanish beverage, espresso with condensed milk is a classic in Spain.

It was named Café Canario since it is said to have evolved on Canary Island and café bombón was named since it is also considered a dessert. 

The specialty of this drink is how the ratio of condensed milk to espresso is the same, which when poured in a glass forms two distinctive layers, you will feel like you’re having a beautiful dessert only it’s extremely easy to prepare.

12. Salt


If you are not familiar with the concept of adding salt to coffee, you must be thinking about how it’s a crazy idea. Well sure, who adds salt to a beverage that is supposed to be sweet and has a pleasant aroma.

Well, there is actually scientific evidence backing the usage of salt in the coffee. People all over the world have been adding a pinch of salt to their coffee for decades.

Salt when added to espresso reduces the bitterness and brings out the strong caffeine flavor and aroma. For people who do not want to add anything else like milk or sugar to their coffee, salt is the way to go!

13. Maple Syrup

Maple Syrup

Maple Syrup is often associated with autumn beverages. Heard of Maple cinnamon latte or Maple latte these are said to be fall season specialty.

Well first, the delicious sweet taste serves as a perfect alternative to sugar. Plus, maple syrup has a lot of health and nutritional benefits as compared to sugar. Make sure to buy all-natural maple syrup for your coffee.

All-natural maple syrup does not have that thick consistency that you will find in pancake syrups and it will also not crystallize when combined with milk. In fact, it blends perfectly and brings out the perfect caffeine flavor.

14. Half & Half

Half & Half with espresso

Milk, cream, creamer, and half & half all of these are not new additions to the coffee family. People love experimenting with their coffee. But all of the above dairy-based products have a distinct role to play when it comes to the perfect coffee beverage.

Cafe Breve is a classic espresso-based drink made with espresso and half & half. Half & Half as we all know is half milk and half cream. This beautiful combination produces a rich and creamier cup of coffee credit to the fat content in milk and cream.

This one’s a must-try if you prefer a creamy latte or just like your coffee sweet and strong. All you need is a strong shot of espresso and some nicely steamed half & half. You can also add additional sweeteners and flavors as per your preference.

15. Brandy


We have another Spanish classic on the list – ‘Carajillo’ is a famous party cocktail made with espresso and brandy. If you have not tried alcohol and coffee together – we would suggest you try this.

The strong caffeine flavor and the mellow brandy taste are sure to get you into a party mood. This is the perfect party drink for coffee lovers.

16. Butter

Butter coffee

If the idea of adding butter to your coffee seems wacky to you, hold your thoughts. Butter-infused coffee is a flavorful combination that is going to be a perfect start to your day.

Health enthusiasts all over the world have made it a regular practice to add butter to their coffee every morning and you will too once you learn what it has to offer. 

Adding Butter to your coffee not only makes it creamy and thick but also has numerous health benefits. When you add this magic ingredient to your coffee you feel more satiated throughout the day, it gives you healthy fats and it improves your overall metabolism.

What more can one ask for? Get going on adding butter to your coffee today!

17. Cinnamon

Cinnamon coffee

If you think carefully, you will definitely find at least one person in your life who loves ‘Cinnamon’ or even better ‘Cinnamon with Coffee’. 

This goes without saying that this classic spice is the perfect addition to your espresso if you’re looking to change your daily coffee routine. Cinnamon has a naturally sweet and spicy flavor that balances perfectly with coffee.

Cinnamon in your coffee will taste great on a winter morning. This soothing drink ensures that you have a good energy level by maintaining your blood sugar levels, it is also rich in vitamins, calcium, magnesium, etc. All in all a delicious and nutritious treat.

Fact Check: Does Cinnamon Reduce Acid In Coffee? Find Out Here!

18. Coconut Cream

Coconut cream coffee

Coconut receives equal amounts of love and hate. Some people love coconut in their coffee, some hate it. We personally feel Coconut brings out a flavor profile that is distinct from any other dairy product you will taste.

When prepared correctly, a good coconut cream latte will make you fall in love with the idea of coconut milk or cream in your coffee. It is thick, rich, and delicious.

Serves as an amazing dairy alternative, hence if you’re a vegan or lactose intolerant you must give this a try. Top it up with sweetener or flavored syrup to enhance the taste of your coffee!

Also Read: 10 Best Milk Frothers For Coconut Milk

19. Vanilla Extract

Vanilla Extract

Adding flavors to your coffee is an excellent way to break the monotonous coffee routine. Brewing the perfect cup of coffee is all about experimenting with different kinds of beans and different liquids.

True coffee connoisseurs know that there are many things that can help you elevate your cup of joe to another level. One way is by adding vanilla extract

While most people like the way that vanilla extract makes their coffee smell and taste, what they don’t know is that it also provides a lot of Antioxidants. Give vanilla extract a try and let us know how you like it.

20. Ginger Powder

Ginger Powder

Last but not the least, ‘Ginger’ is another superfood that you can add to your espresso and be gifted with the gift of several health benefits that it brings with itself.

Ginger is a spicy and strong flavor and adding it to your coffee is the best way to get the best out of it. You can either add ginger powder to your coffee or whip up a fancy ginger latte. 

Either way, like all the above ingredients, adding Ginger to your coffee will not disappoint you.

Make Your Daily Coffee Interesting With These 20 Additions

When it comes to coffee you can pair it with almost anything. Coffee is the most versatile beverage out there, any flavor, you name it and people might have already tried it with their coffee.

The above 20 ingredients are not only interesting but also a delicious and healthy take on your coffee. If you are bored with having your coffee plain and black, try adding these ingredients and see what you like the best. Happy Caffeinating!

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