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Why Does Instant Coffee Taste Bad? 10 Ways To Fix It

Convenience and comfort aside, many people still dislike the taste of instant coffee. Some find it bitter, some find it watery, and some find it sour. But why does instant coffee taste bad? Can you even fix it?

There is a multitude of reasons why instant coffee can taste bad, one of which is the process of its production and preparation. Instant coffee goes through a lengthy process of soaking the coffee beans and dehydrating them at extremely high temperatures, which alters the natural coffee taste.

Today, we will be discussing some reasons that can be the cause of instant coffee’s bad taste. And 10 unique ways to fix the bad taste of instant coffee. If you find your coffee to be sour, continue reading to find the solution to it.

This Is Why Instant Coffee Tastes Bad – The Real Reasons

cup of instant coffee

There is a reason why most coffee connoisseurs would prefer brewing (even grinding) their own coffee instead of using quick fixes like instant coffee. Even though the process of brewing your own coffee is lengthy and tedious, nothing compares to a cup of freshly brewed coffee (not even instant coffee).

Instant coffee’s bad taste could be a result of using poor quality coffee beans, using stale coffee grounds, or simply the process that is used to make instant coffee can be at fault. We can learn the reasons that are affecting the taste of instant coffee and take steps to reduce the bad taste. Let’s look at these reasons in more detail:

1. The process of making instant coffee

To make instant coffee, the first step is brewing freshly ground coffee. After which, a concentrated version of coffee is extracted and dried in order to remove the water, this produces coffee powder. This process of drying the brewed coffee and extracting coffee powder is what alters the taste of instant coffee.

Usually, instant coffee is made by spray-drying or freeze-drying the coffee extract. In the process of spray drying, coffee extract is sprayed into hot air which turns the coffee droplets into fine coffee powder, and in the process of freeze drying, coffee extract is frozen and then reduced to a fine powder.

In both the above methods, brewed coffee is exposed to extreme temperatures and moisture, which can alter the taste of instant coffee. Many still argue that the process does not alter the flavor and aroma of coffee. However, if you brew your own coffee, you will know and understand the clear variation between the two.

2. Low-quality coffee beans

Another factor that could potentially be affecting the taste of instant coffee is low-quality coffee grounds. This is true even with brewed coffee. If you are using instant coffee that is made with low-quality coffee beans, it is obvious that you end up with a bad-tasting cup of coffee.

Now obviously you cannot personally vet your coffee beans, however, you can pick the correct coffee beans for consumption. The best way to ensure you are using good-quality coffee is to use Arabica coffee beans and not Robusta. Most low-priced coffees are made out of Robusta coffee beans.

Robusta has a stronger and more bitter taste. While Arabica coffee beans have a smoother and sweeter flavor. There are many differences between the two, but Arabica coffee beans are preferred over Robusta as it has a better taste.

3. Stale coffee grounds

There is a reason why most coffee experts grind and brew coffee on the spot. Coffee grounds lose their flavor and aroma once it is ground, brewed, and exposed to air or moisture. Hence, the fact that instant coffee loses its aroma and flavor is not surprising news.

The lengthy process of first extracting coffee concentrate from coffee grounds and then exposing them to extremely high or low temperatures can result in instant coffee tasting overly bitter or sometimes even sour.

10 Amazing Ways To Fix The Bad Taste Of Instant Coffee

Instant coffee powder

While we cannot change the entire process of making instant coffee, we sure can make some tweaks and use certain methods to fix the taste of instant coffee. We personally have made some delicious coffee recipes using instant coffee – the famous whipped coffee was one of them.

So, if you prefer using instant coffee over brewed coffee, do not be disappointed. Try these 10 amazing hacks to fix the bad taste of instant coffee and make yourself a delicious cup of joe (joy).

1. Add steamed or frothed milk

Frothed Milk

Adding milk to instant coffee is one of the best ways to make instant coffee taste better. What makes it even better is adding some milk foam or steamed milk. Steaming or frothing milk adds natural sweetness to the milk and gives it a thick consistency and volume. 

Most coffee beverages have milk foam or steamed milk to it, this adds a nice creamy texture that you wouldn’t get without steaming the milk. Top the steamed milk with some caramel or chocolate syrup and you have yourself a perfect cup of coffee.

2. Dilute with cold water

Who does not enjoy a glass of iced coffee? One of the best ways of reducing the bitter taste of instant coffee is by adding some ice-cold water to it. Sure, adding hot water to instant coffee helps dissolve the coffee quickly but it also sometimes burns the fine coffee powder, or even worse reduces the coffee flavor, making it taste mild and weak.

Cold water, on the other hand, dissolves the coffee slowly without taking away the actual flavor or taste of coffee. In fact, there is a noticeable difference when you add cold water to instant coffee rather than hot water. You will find that your coffee tastes even more refreshing and delicious.

3. Use the correct water temperature 

Coffee in cold water

As we mentioned above, hot water has a tendency to burn the coffee. Therefore, keeping a watch on the water temperature for your coffee is of utmost importance. Adding boiling water will do more bad to your coffee than good.

So, the next time you are making yourself some instant coffee, take some warm water and dilute the instant coffee properly and then top it with milk or more water. There is no perfect temperature for making coffee, the best method is to eyeball the water temperature. Heat water to the point it is hot but not boiling. 

4. Add some sugar


Adding sugar to your coffee is a no-brainer. Find your coffee bitter or sour? Add some sugar. There is no better solution for bitter instant coffee than adding sugar to it. Not only does adding sugar to coffee make it taste better, but perfectly masks the bitter coffee taste. 

Adding as little as 1tsp of coffee to 1 cup of coffee can make it ten times better than without sugar. But, be sure not to overdo it. Adding too much can have adverse effects on your health and also make instant coffee taste more like liquid sugar than coffee.

5. Drizzle honey or maple syrup

Honey in coffee

Not only to fix the bad taste of instant coffee but also to add a subtle caramel taste; honey and maple syrup are great sweetening agents. Both honey and maple syrup are considered superfoods as they are loaded with vitamins and calcium.

Honey is high in antioxidants and is also rich in anti-bacterial properties. With so many benefits and the taste being a plus point, you should definitely give adding honey to your coffee a try! Maple syrup offers a ton of nutritional benefits as well.

When using maple syrup for your instant coffee, always use all-natural maple syrup. All natural syrups do not have a thick consistency and so will not crystalize when combined with milk. As a matter of fact, all-natural maple syrup blends perfectly with coffee and brings out the strong coffee flavor of instant coffee.

Also Read: Best flavored syrups for coffee

6. Lots of chocolate syrup

Chocolate sauce in coffee

Everyone enjoys a little something sweet in their breakfast, and when that little something is the deadly combination of chocolate and coffee, it makes the perfect sweet caffeine treat!

Chocolate and coffee are a classic combination, famously known as Mocha. It is surprising how well coffee pairs with almost every single ingredient used in making delicious desserts.

The next time you find instant coffee too bitter or bad for your taste, add chocolate syrup, ice, and milk, and there you go, iced chocolate coffee with just a few ingredients.

7. 1tsp of butter

Butter in coffee

Adding butter to your coffee is a trend that continues to date. When you add butter to your instant coffee it gives it a silky texture, this is great if you find your instant coffee too watery. Instant coffee infused with butter is the perfect way to kick start your day as it is high in good fats and lends your coffee a flavorsome balance.

Adding Butter to your coffee not only makes it creamy and thick but also has numerous health benefits. When you add this magic ingredient to your coffee you feel more satiated throughout the day, it gives you healthy fats and it improves your overall metabolism.

8. A dash of cinnamon


If your instant coffee tastes mild and weak, we have the perfect remedy – Add a dash of cinnamon to your coffee. Cinnamon is the one spice that pairs wonderfully with coffee. 

This goes without saying that this classic spice is the perfect addition to your coffee if you’re looking to change your daily coffee routine. Cinnamon has a naturally sweet and spicy flavor that balances perfectly with coffee.

Cinnamon in your coffee will taste great on a winter morning. This soothing drink ensures that you have a good energy level by maintaining your blood sugar levels, it is also rich in vitamins, calcium, magnesium, etc. All in all a perfect way to fix a bad-tasting instant coffee.

9. A tsp of cocoa powder

Cocoa Powder

Don’t have chocolate syrup? cocoa powder will do the drill. Add a tsp (or two) of cocoa powder to your instant coffee for the perfect chocolate coffee taste. Cocoa powder balances the watery and bitter taste of instant coffee and gives it a creamier texture and sweeter taste.

10. Reduce the amount of coffee powder

Instant Coffee

If none of the above methods work, see if you are adding too much coffee. Read the instructions on the package carefully and only add as recommended. Try reducing the amount of coffee you add to the water. If you are finding 1 tsp too bitter for your taste reduce it to ½ tsp. 

At the same time, make sure you balance the coffee-to-water ratio. Adding too little coffee to 1 cup of water can make it watery. On the other hand, adding too much can make it bitter and sour. We found, that 1 to 2 tsp of instant coffee powder works perfectly well with 1 cup of water or milk.

How to Make Instant Coffee? The Correct Method For A Good Tasting Cup Of Coffee!

instant cup of coffee

Despite the convenience it offers, making instant coffee the correct way is a tough nut to crack. One wrong move and you end up with a watery weak-tasting cup of coffee, and then you blame it on the instant coffee.

Let us walk you through the correct way of making instant coffee, so it dilutes properly and tastes rich, sweet, and delicious; just how it is supposed to be. The good thing about instant coffee is that you only need a few ingredients and equipment. 


  • 1 tsp instant coffee
  • 100ml water
  • 100 ml milk
  • 1 tsp sugar (optional)


  1. The first step while making instant coffee is ensuring that the instant coffee granules dissolve properly with water. Take fresh water and boil it in the kettle or stove.
  1. Add 1 heaped tsp of instant coffee to your coffee mug and pour the water slowly over the coffee.
  1. Next, stir until the coffee dissolves completely. Add sugar and stir again.
  1. Froth milk using a milk frother, to get that frothy effect and add to your coffee mug. You can also use coffee creamer or cream as per your taste.

Points to be noted

While the process seems simple, there are important things that you need to consider. When you ensure the water temperature, coffee measurement, and how much milk you are adding are taken care of your coffee tastes so much better.

1. The first point you must note when making instant coffee is the water temperature. The ideal water temperature for heating water is 90 degrees Celsius. Now it is understandable if you do not want to measure the water temperature every time you are making “instant coffee”.

Therefore, the best way to follow through on this point is to keep a watch on your water and keep an eye on it until it is warm but does not boil completely. Keeping the water at the correct temperature ensures the coffee granules do not burn and you end up with a well-brewed instant coffee.

2. Measuring your coffee is another important point you need to be taking care of. For every 1 tsp of instant coffee use a maximum of 200 ml of water. Any more than that and the result will be a watery coffee.

To get the perfect consistency and taste we suggest an equal division between water and milk. More water will not bring out the taste of coffee like it is supposed to. If you drink your coffee black, use a small mug and do not add more water than recommended.

3. How much milk you are using is another important factor. When you add too much milk to your coffee, it dilutes the taste of coffee making it seem light and weak. To bring out the best flavor and taste ensure there is an optimum balance between the two. 

If the question of whether adding milk to coffee reduced caffeine crossed your mind? We have answered it here – Check it out. 

Good Quality Instant Coffee For A Perfect Cup of Joe (Joy)

With so many choices, it can be a little difficult to choose a good quality coffee. Here is our recommendation of the 2 best instant coffee for a perfect cup of joe.

Folgers Classic Roast Instant Coffee

Folgers classic roast instant coffee

Folgers is a reputable and reliable brand when it comes to instant coffee. These coffee crystals are the perfect way to kickstart your day. Their freeze-dried coffee crystals are 100% pure medium roast coffee. 

This coffee brand ensures that you get the best coffee aroma beautifully packed into a box of instant coffee. The brand promises expertly crafted, hand-picked beans that are finely blended for a deep and intense coffee taste.

Starbucks VIA Instant Coffee

If you are a Starbucks person then their 100 % Arabica, medium roast coffee is something you are bound to enjoy. It comes in a box of 50 easy-to-use packets. It consists of subtle chocolate and nutty flavor to it. 

This instant coffee by Starbucks is 100% ethically sourced and offers just the right taste, for a cup of instant coffee. The coffee powders dissolve easily leaving a strong coffee aroma, perfect for your mornings.

How Do You Make Instant Coffee Less Sour?

If you find the taste of your instant coffee sour, it is due to the acidic content present in it. The sour taste in coffee could be due to a bunch of reasons like under extractions, light roasted coffee, or simply stale or low-quality coffee. 

Light-roasted coffee is often sour in taste when compared to medium or dark-roasted coffee. This is because the coffee beans did not have enough time to extract the flavors and caramelize the sugar present in coffee beans.

Similarly, when coffee is under-extracted, it does not get a proper chance to brew the coffee beans and extract all the essential oils, flavors, sugar, etc. Rendering it a sour taste. The best way to fix the sour taste of coffee is by using the above 10 methods. 

If none of the above methods work, try using salt. Salt is commonly used to reduce the sour taste of instant coffee. And no salt is not a weird ingredient, you will be surprised with what people prefer adding to their coffee. Here are 20 things people add to their espresso.

Can You Add Instant Coffee Directly To Hot Milk?

Yes, you can definitely add instant coffee to milk. In fact, many people choose to have instant coffee directly with milk and not water. Thanks to its powder-like consistency, it dissolves very easily and tastes like a fresh cup of brew.

Read more on adding instant coffee directly to hot milk here. 

Does Instant Coffee Have Less Acid Than Brewed Coffee?

Instant coffee goes through the same process of grinding and brewing coffee. Therefore, instant coffee has the same acidity levels as brewed coffee. Acidity in coffee can also vary through other factors like type of brew, type of coffee used, etc.

Final Thoughts

If you are a coffee connoisseur, you probably hate the idea of instant coffee. But, for many people around the world, instant coffee is the best way to get their daily dose of caffeine as they simply do not have the time to brew their own coffee.

If you ever tried making yourself instant coffee and it didn’t turn up to your expectations, don’t be disappointed. Try these 10 hacks and improvise on what went wrong. When made correctly, instant coffee can be a great way to whip us some delicious coffee within minutes. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why does instant coffee taste different than regular coffee?

Instant coffee has a similar taste and flavor to regular coffee. If you find a difference in taste, it is simply due to the different procedures used to make instant coffee. Instant coffee is exposed to extreme temperature to get that powder consistency, this leads to a difference in taste.

Does instant coffee taste like coffee?

Yes, instant coffee does taste like coffee. When made correctly it resembles the taste of a regular brew to a great extent.

Why does instant coffee tastes watery?

To ensure that your instant coffee is not watery it is important to maintain the correct coffee to water ratio. For 1 tsp of coffee do not use more than 200 ml of water. 

How to make instant coffee taste good with milk?

Instant coffee can taste insanely good when made correctly. Here are some things you can add to your instant coffee to make it taste better 
Caramel Syrup
Cocoa Powder
Chocolate Syrup
Maple Syrup