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How Much Caffeine Is In 2 Shots Of Espresso? Read This First

While placing a coffee order, an extra shot of espresso might seem like an appealing idea. There is something known as going overboard on caffeine and trust us on this, you do not want that. Consuming excess caffeine can have adverse effects on your health and can make you feel restless rather than active.

So, how much caffeine is in 2 shots of espresso? 2 shots of espresso contain around 150 mg of caffeine. The recommended daily caffeine intake is around 400 milligrams. Therefore, 2 shots of espresso are enough to keep you wide awake, and not give you the jittery feeling of excessive caffeine consumption. 

While many people will feel fine after having 2 shots of espresso, there are a certain group of individuals who should stay away from it, continue reading to find that out. Also, learn how long it takes for caffeine to exit your digestive system. Is espresso healthy or a bad coffee option and so much more, in this article.

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Are 2 Shots Of Espresso Dangerous For Your Health?

2 Espresso Shots

The relativity of espresso shots being “ dangerous” can vary a lot depending on how you react to caffeine. The usual recommendation for daily caffeine intake is 400 milligrams. If you are staying within that range, there is no reason why it would be dangerous for your health, provided you are not sensitive to caffeine.

With that being said, anything that is consumed in moderation is good. A beverage that has 2 shots of espresso will be fine, however, 2 or 3 servings of the same beverage can be detrimental to your health. In such situations, resorting to caffeine for feeling active might not be the most viable solution.

However, if you are someone who is sensitive to caffeine, are underage, or in general, are not comfortable around strong caffeinated beverages, even a single shot of espresso can have adverse effects on you. We have listed down a few situations where you should avoid double espresso shots.

Do you add creamer to your coffee? Wondering if adding creamer to your daily coffee makes it less strong? Find out here! 

How Much Caffeine Should You Consume In A Day?

The FDA recommends not more than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day. 4 cups of brewed coffee contain around 400mg of caffeine.

Who Should Avoid Double Espresso Shots?

As we mentioned, not everyone’s situation is the same. Therefore how dangerous can two shots of espresso varies from person to person. In most scenarios, 2 shots of espresso fit under the daily caffeine intake range. 

However, there are certain individuals where you should stay away from caffeine. If you fit into these categories it is best for you to not consume a double shot of espresso or seek proper medical advice.

1. If you are Pregnant 

You might have heard this before, but if you are pregnant you need to avoid caffeine and especially the one in double doses. Caffeine is considered to be a stimulant that can increase blood pressure and heart rate, either of which is not healthy for a pregnant woman.

If you fall under this category, it is best for you to switch to decaffeinated beverages or drinks that have very little caffeine. Therefore, double espresso shots are a no-no if you are pregnant.

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2. For Children and Teenagers

If you are underage, then you might have heard adults tell you not to consume caffeine. Well, there is a reason. The foremost one is that the daily limit of 400 milligrams of caffeine is for adults. For teenagers, the daily caffeine limit is only 100 milligrams.

Secondly, coffee is an easy substance to get dependent on when you need to stay awake to study. Such early age dependence on caffeine can lead to serious health effects later on in life. Also, double espresso shots clearly fall out of the recommended limit, so it is advisable to not have it. 

3. People who struggle with Insomnia

If you are very dependent on coffee and tend to consume it regularly even past afternoon hours, you might face difficulties while sleeping. Caffeine interferes with your sleep hormones and tends to keep you alert, which is something you would not want.

If you are someone who struggles with insomnia, 2 shots of espresso can be a bit much for you and might cause restlessness. Even after that if you prefer having coffee, consume a cup early on in the morning, so it flushes out of your system by the time you have to go to sleep.

4. If you are sensitive to caffeine or suffer from GERD

This was a given point, but worth mentioning. If you are sensitive to caffeine or suffer from gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) you must avoid double espresso shots at all costs. No amount of alertness will make up for the discomfort caused by the coffee you consume.

Also Read: Does Instant Coffee Have More Acid Than Brewed Coffee?

Drinks That Require You To Use 2 Shots Of Espresso

Espresso is a common ingredient in many barista-level beverages. Whether it is a cappuccino, a latte, or a macchiato; all these beverages require espresso.

Double shots of espresso however are required for stronger coffee beverages, here are some drinks that require you to use 2 shots of espresso:

1. Doppio – The word doppio in itself means double or twice. Doppio is a coffee drink that is only made of a double shot of espresso. If you ever want to order double shots of espresso, look for Doppio on the menu.

2. Americano – Americano is basically an espresso shot with hot water. Yes, it can be made using a single shot of espresso as well, but many prefer to add 2 shots of espresso. Americano is more of a classic way of having black coffee.

3. Black Eye- Black Eye coffee is another one of those coffee trends. It is basically a cup of drip coffee mixed with double shots of espresso. This can be consumed both iced or hot. This drink is very strong and high in caffeine considering the amount of coffee present in it.

You can also add 2 shots of espresso to other beverages like cappuccino, iced coffee, latte, or macchiato. Today, most coffee joining especially Starbucks gives you the option to add an extra shot of espresso to make your drink more strong.

Must Read: 20 Interesting Things People Add To Espresso

How Long Does It Take For Caffeine To Exit The Body?

how long does it take for caffeine to exit the body infographic
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How long your body takes to absorb the caffeine and then lose its original effects can vary on a lot of factors like your age, energy level, daily activities, etc. Still, If we had to give a timeline on how long it takes for caffeine to exit your body, here is the answer.

The first question should not be how long it takes for the caffeine to exit, it should be how long it takes for the caffeine to kick in. It normally takes somewhere around 30 to 60 minutes for the caffeine to actually kick in and show its effects.

Post which, the half-life of caffeine i.e; the half amount of caffeine that was ingested takes anywhere between three to six hours to exit your body. For example, if you had one cup of coffee which has around 95 mg of caffeine, it will take around 6 hours for that to leave your body.

And then after another six hours, the rest of the caffeine leaves the body. This means that the caffeine present in 1 cup of coffee can stay in your bloodstream for about 10 to 12 hours.

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Espresso?

Benefits of drinking espresso infographic
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Just like any other food ingredient, espresso has its good and bad sides as well. Here are some amazing benefits of drinking espresso-

1. Gives You A Boost Of Energy

If you are the type of person that requires a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, you already know how refreshed and energized you feel after the first sip. Studies have proven that drinking coffee can help you give a boost of energy.

Caffeine is a stimulant that increases the activity of your brain and nervous system. Once you consume coffee or any other drink that contains caffeine, it starts distributing itself in your body. Slowly, you will start feeling the most potent effect that caffeine has on our body, what we also like to call the caffeine buzz. It does so by blocking sleep-promoting receptors in our brain which helps us stay alert and awake.

2. Improves Concentration

High energy = high concentration. Drinking espresso helps you focus on your day-to-day activities by increasing your concentration levels and by making you feel more alert and awake. However, remember to be conscious about how many cups of coffee you are consuming. 

As much as espresso can help you concentrate, it might also give you that jittery, restless feeling that can disturb productivity. Hence a shot or two of espresso in the morning is good enough to keep you active throughout the day.

3. High In Antioxidants

Coffee is high in antioxidants. It consists of anti-inflammatory properties that protect you from diseases of any kind. It also contains hydrocinnamic acids, which neutralize free radicals that you come in contact with.

4. Helps You Stay Active

Thanks to the boost of energy, espresso helps you stay more active and also motivates you to undertake physical activity. It helps you feel more energized and gives you the right amount of adrenaline rush to keep you going.

Final Thoughts

We hope to have answered all your question about double espresso shots. If you want to add an extra shot of espresso to your coffee, go ahead. But, be mindful of your daily overall consumption. Happy Caffeinating!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is 2 shots of espresso a lot of caffeine?

2 shots of espresso have around 150 mg of caffeine.

Are espresso shots unhealthy?

Espresso has many benefits, but it can also be harmful when consumed in excess. So, be mindful about consuming excessive amounts of the daily recommended caffeine.