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What Is A Flat White? How To Make It?

Flat Whites are one of the most popular specialty coffee beverages around. Do you know what they are?

Flat white coffee is a refreshing Australian-style coffee drink served in many parts of the world. It is a type of espresso that is served with a lot of textured milk foam on top.

This article will provide information on what flat white is, how it differs from other types of coffees, and how you can make it yourself.

What Is A Flat White?

Flat White

The term “flat white” refers to an espresso-based drink that contains steamed milk. This beverage is perfect for people who prefer a strong taste of coffee.

It contains a very small amount of steamed milk with a thin layer of micro-foam which results in its velvety texture.

If you want a coffee that brings out the flavors of espresso, yet is creamy like steamed milk, it’s a perfect choice.

Origin Of Flat White Coffee

The history of the flat white is somewhat disputed – it’s unclear whether the drink originated in Australia or New Zealand. 

Nevertheless, it’s been around for decades now and has traveled overseas where it has taken on its own meaning. It can now be found on menus in countries like the US, UK, etc.

A common way to serve a Flat white is in a glass because it’s smaller and has a stronger coffee flavor than a Latte or Cappuccino. It usually comes in around 200ml and it is also served with two espresso shots for a more intense coffee flavor.

Why Is It Called Flat White?

The “Flat White” is named such because it uses just a little foam and more espresso. It offers the perfect contrast in flavor for making Latte art and is, for this reason, perfect for any coffee connoisseur.

What Is The Difference Between A Flat White And A Latte?

Flat White

Ordering a “latte vs. flat white” can be tricky if you’re not sure what sets these two coffee types apart. 

A Flat White and Latte are both made through an espresso machine, but there are some visible differences depending on which you order.

A latte is usually served in a larger glass in Australia, measuring 7-8 oz. Cafes in other countries often serve even bigger servings too.

Flat whites are typically served in 5 or 6 oz ceramic cups. This smaller size means there is a higher coffee-to-milk ratio, for a different flavor profile than with lattes and cappuccinos.

Pouring latte art

The amount of espresso is also different for each drink. A traditional espresso shot is used in the base of a latte or cappuccino; flat whites typically use two shots.

Another difference between the two is that Latte has more steamed milk, leading to a sweeter taste. While Flat White has a stronger caffeine taste as it contains more espresso and less milk.

When it comes to milk foam, traditionally a latte contains at least 1cm of micro-foam whereas flat whites are usually less than half a centimeter. 

How To Make Flat White Coffee? Step-by-Step Recipe

Making a Flat White coffe is simple and only requires a few steps. One of the fun things that you could do with this beverage is trying out some really fun latte art. Here’s how you can make flat white-


  • 2 Espresso Shots
  • 100 ml Milk


Espresso Shots

1. The first step is simple and obvious, all you need to do is pull two espresso shots. As we said before Flat White traditionally requires two espresso shots. People who prefer a slightly less strong coffee can alter the ingredients accordingly.

2. Next, take your milk in a frothing pitcher and steam it using your steaming wand attached to the espresso machine. If your espresso machine does not have a steaming wand you will need a good quality milk frother for this step.

Here is a list of the best milk frothers for Flat White

Pouring steamed milk on top of espresso

3. Once the milk is steamed properly, it is time to serve.  Begin to pour the milk on top of the espresso. The only thing you need to watch out for is pouring milk slowly so as to form a clear layer of microfoam on top.

4. Once that is done, you can also attempt at making yourself a cute latte art. Now relax and enjoy your flat white coffee!

Final Thoughts

Here is all you needed to know about this famous coffee drink that’s served in coffee shops. Next time you see a Flat White on the menu, you’ll know exactly what this beautiful beverage consists of. 

So order up or make one for yourself at home and enjoy your delicious coffee! Happy Caffeinating!

Flat White

What is a Flat White? How to Make It?

Flat white coffee is a refreshing Australian-style coffee drink served in many parts of the world.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 3 minutes


  • 2 Shots Espresso
  • 100 ml Milk


  • Start by pulling two shots of espresso shots from your espresso machine.
  • Next, take your milk in a frothing pitcher and steam it using your steaming wand attached to the espresso machine.
  • Once the milk is steamed properly, it is time to serve.  Begin to pour the milk on top of the espresso.
  • Once that is done, you can also attempt at making yourself a cute latte art.
  • Finally enjoy your warm and strong flat white coffee!
Keyword Flat White